Can't find Upload FS in platformIO tasks after update to 2.0.0 (or 2.0.1)

We’ve been using Upload FS functionality regularly on the ESP32 boards we use.
After the update (with the great improvement of categorizing the tasks! thanks) I cannot find this task anymore.

Where has it gone?

Have you looked into the “platform” tasks for the environment?

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It took a really long time for the items to load when opening an environment for this project … but eventually it was there :slight_smile:


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Hi, I have the same problem except the task is missing im using a different enviroment d1_mini

Edit: I solved before posting but in case anyone have the same problem

I was using an old version of espressif8266 platform (2.4) mainly because SPIFFS warnings. When I’ve updated the platform for the latest the task appeared

(Sorry for my bad english)