Cannot start pio home on port 8008

I’m installing it on my windows 10 work computer, using vscode, but it does not work because it cannot start home on port 8008.
Is it possible to configure platformio to use port 5005 instead?

C:\Users\kfinnsson.platformio\penv\Scripts>pio home
PIO Plus ( v2.5.0

–\ PlatformIO Home
/ _-

|[]| [] | xxx://

Open PIO Home in your browser by this URL => xxx:// text
PIO Home has been started. Press Ctrl+C to shutdown.
File “C:\Users\kfinnsson.platformio\packages\contrib-pysite\twisted\internet\”, line 1363, in startListening
raise CannotListenError(self.interface, self.port, le)
CannotListenError: Couldn’t listen on [Errno 10013] An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions

C:\Users\kfinnsson.platformio\penv\Scripts>pio home --port 5005
PIO Plus ( v2.5.0

–\ PlatformIO Home
/ _-

|[]| [] | xxxx//

Open PIO Home in your browser by this URL => xxxx://

works fine.

Perhaps my problem was unclear. I would like to have VSCode start PlatformIO Home on different port, but cannot find out how. Currently it starts on 8010 which my computer does not allow.
I see in

this hardcoding
const HTTP_PORT_BEGIN = 8010;
const HTTP_PORT_END = 8100;

so I guess that i will not user PlatformIO on my work computer :frowning:

That would be a question for @ivankravets, and possibly the subject of a feature request for the vscode extension?

Alternately, if you need access to the pio home stuff in the mean time, you could do the pio home --port 5005 bit and open it in the browser… it seems to work still, just that the integration with VSCode isn’t there… meaning you need to add newly created projects to the workspace manually, etc. Everything else should pretty much work though.

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I’ve just opened a feature request for this

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