Cannot Resolve Include Paths in PlatformIO for GuruxDLMS Library

I am facing issues with resolving include paths in PlatformIO while trying to use the GuruxDLMS library for my ESP8266 project. I have encountered errors related to include paths and missing files. Despite following standard procedures for setting up libraries, I am unable to get the correct paths to work in Visual Studio Code.

  • Library Setup:
  • I have downloaded the GuruxDLMS library from GuruxDLMS GitHub.
  • I placed the .h and .cpp files in the lib/GuruxDLMS directory of my PlatformIO project.
  • Configuration:
  • In platformio.ini, I added the following configuration:
    platform = espressif8266
    board = esp01_1m
    framework = arduino
    lib_extra_dirs = path/to/GuruxDLMS.c
    lib_deps =
    build_flags =
    upload_speed = 115200
    monitor_speed = 9600
    board_build.flash_mode = dout
    board_build.ldscript = eagle.flash.1m.ld
    upload_port = COM5

Include Errors: Cannot open source file "../ArduinoIgnore.h" and Cannot open source file "include/gxignore.h"

This is the link : GitHub - Gurux/GuruxDLMS.c: Gurux DLMS library for ANSI C
in this file, everything is connected, so i created folder GuruxDLMS in project lib, and add two folders (include, src). In the include i copied every .h, and in the src i copried .c/.cpp. and it doesn’t work.

Gurux DLMS library for ANSI C

As the name suggests, it is an ANSIC C library and cannot simply be used as an Arduino library.

However, Arduino examples are provided in the repository.
In my opinion, these would only need to be extended by #include <Arduino.h>.