Cannot Load PSreadline Module Error

Hello there…

New to PlatformIO and all forms of coding and development. I’ve got everything downloaded and was working through the “getting started” example when I ran into the following error after opening the terminal… “Cannot Load PSreadline Module”

I read somewhere this might be related to environmental variables so I added the following to PATH and Path (with no success).

I’m running Windows 10 64bit, IDE 1.3.1, CLI 2.11.1 Any help is greatly appreciated.

Maybe the problem with space in your account? Could try to create new test account without space and install PlatformIO IDE?

If it helps you, I’ll try to find out how to resolve this problem.

Thanks for the assistance Ivan. I just got it working. Basically I had to change my execution policy…

PS C:> Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned