Bump version of tool-ninja


The tool-ninja for linux is only available with version 1.7.0… this version does not support color output
“CLICOLOR_FORCE=1 pio” run should allow color output of warnings and errors.
The minimum version that support that is 1.9.0 and above, but unfortunately it does not support linux.

I try to modify the builder to force the usage of the ninja executable of my PC rather than using the tool-ninja one, and it worked (my ninja version if 1.11.1)

Is it possible to have an up to date ninja tool for macos and linux please?


Please file an issue in the platform that’s using the outdated ninja version, or https://github.com/platformio/platformio-core/issues if it affects multiple. Anything else will drown in forum chatter.

sure! will do
