Building esp8266-native for NodeMCU (ESP12E Module)

I like to build the esp8266 native firmware for the NodeMCU board.

I tried to build and upload the esp8266-native demo but without succes.

platform = espressif
board = nodemcuv2
build_flags = -Wl,-T""

With this configuration file I get an error the : No such file or directory
I tried to build it without the build_flags

platform = espressif
board = nodemcuv2

Without the build_flags I get an undefined reference to `aes_wrap’
This function is part of the crypto library so I added this to the build_flags

platform = espressif
board = nodemcuv2
build_flags = -lcrypto

Now it builds but for the wrong flash size, the upload fails.

Any suggestions

Got it working this was just fixed and is only available in develop branch

Install the latest PlatformIO from the develop branch:

uninstall existing version

pip uninstall platformio

install the latest development version of PlatformIO

pip install -U