Build Filesystem image option available for ESP32 but not ESp8266

I have been following tutorials on the randomnerdtutorial website, in particular to build web pages.

The web pages are put in a data folder and they say to use thePlatform=>Build Filesystem Image and upload filesystem image options.

I have also been using VSC on a PI4, 64bit raspberry PI OS to develop the code.

The option was not available on my PI, but was on my MAC, until a recent update of VSC in raspberry PI OS.

I could build code for an ESP32.

I am having to use an ESP8266 for a similar project.

I can build and upload code to the ESP8266 but the Platform=> Build Filesystem Image option is missing, there is no Platform option at all.

As far as I can tell no one else has reported this problem.

Have I found a bug or am I missing something concerning the ESP8266?

Any suggestions as to what to try would be appreciated,


Please show the output of CLIpio run -t buildfs.