Build Error - LibraryManager

I’m trying to build some sourcecode but I’m get this error:

"LibraryManager: Installing id=44 @ ^5.10
Error: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement ‘^5.10’ for your system ‘windows_amd64’
The terminal process terminated with exit code: 1

Terminal will be reused by tasks, press any key to close it."

I just tryed to do a “pio Update” but the error still exist.

Can enyone help me. Thanks!

There is no 5.10 version of PlatformIO Registry

Thank you for the fast answer.
Sorry, I’m newbie.
What does this mean and how I can resolve the problem?

I try this example: Time/TimeNTP_ESP8266WiFi.ino at master · PaulStoffregen/Time · GitHub

In the file platformio.ini I write:
platform = espressif8266
board = nodemcuv2
framework = arduino
monitor_speed = 115200

lib_deps =
# Using library Id Time
lib_deps =
GitHub - gmag11/NtpClient: NTP client libary for sync ESP8266 time via WiFi

I’ get allwos the same error:
“LibraryManager: Installing id=44 @ ^5.10
Error: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement ‘^5.10’ for your system ‘windows_amd64’
The terminal process terminated with exit code: 1
Terminal will be reused by tasks, press any key to close it.”

In the file .piolibdeps I sey the 2 librarys: NtpclientLib, Time_ID44

There must only be one lib_deps statement. Use

lib_deps = Time,

See docs.

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Oh, I see where the error comes from. It is a dependency on the NtpClient.

Though the latest version of Time is

So the first library’s dependency declaration is wrong. There is a pull request in Update Platform.IO manifest by mcspr · Pull Request #92 · gmag11/NtpClient · GitHub but the author has not yet responded.

You can solve the problem locally by downloading the NtpClient library into your lib/ folder and changing the library.json file to what’s seen in the pull request.

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Wow, thank you four your answer.
Now, I dowloaded the NtpClient and unzipped the folder into my lib folder for the project.
Than a openend the library.json file and delete all and add this text:

“type”: “git”,
“url”: “GitHub - gmag11/NtpClient: NTP client libary for sync ESP8266 time via WiFi
“dependencies”: [
“name”: “ESPAsyncUDP”,
“platforms”: “espressif8266”
“name”: “Time”,
“version”: “^1.5”
“examples”: “examples//.ino”

in the platformio.ini file I insert:

platform = espressif8266
board = nodemcuv2
framework = arduino
monitor_speed = 115200
lib_deps = Time

I get the error: src\main.cpp:40:26: fatal error: NtpClientLib.h: No such file or directory

What I’m doing wrong?
Thank you so much!

Write lib_deps = Time, NtpClient, the dependency graph should show you that the local library in lib/ will be used.

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Hello maxgerhardt,
thank you for the help.
Sorry, but unfortunately It doesn’t work:
> ^
> src\main.cpp:40:26: fatal error: NtpClientLib.h: No such file or directory
> **********************************************************************
> * Looking for NtpClientLib.h dependency? Check our library registry!
> *
> * CLI > platformio lib search “header:NtpClientLib.h”
> * Web > PlatformIO Registry
> *
> **********************************************************************
> #include <NtpClientLib.h>
> ^
> compilation terminated.
> *** [.pioenvs\nodemcuv2\src\main.cpp.o] Error 1
> ============================================================================ [ERROR] Took 4.92 seconds ============================================================================
> The terminal process terminated with exit code: 1
> Terminal will be reused by tasks, press any key to close it.

Can you share your main.cpp please for reproduction on
This is my code what I use in my main.cpp

Why are you trying to include NtpClient as a dependency if you’re not even using it?

Time/TimeNTP_ESP8266WiFi.ino at master · PaulStoffregen/Time · GitHub does not use that library at all, so are you confusing it with say NtpClient/NTPClientESP8266.ino at develop · gmag11/NtpClient · GitHub ??

I made the changes referenced in that pull request above to NtpClient’s libraries.json in a downloaded copy of the library in \lib, removed the entry for it from my platformio.ini as I didn’t want platformio to automatically manage and use a downloaded copy any more, created the WifiConfig.h file referenced to put wifi credentials in, and added ESPAsyncUDP the lib_deps list as it is needed. So my lib_deps looks like this now … lib_deps = Time, ESPAsyncUDP and the NtpClient/NTPClientESP8266.ino at develop · gmag11/NtpClient · GitHub code compiled just fine.

Oh sorry, it was my error. I copied the false link…:confused:
Thank you for your help. I try it… :grin:

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