Board Explorer can not load?

Excuse me, what’s the situation? After installation, it cannot run normally, and it fails to load after two installations.

If you know, please tell me, thank you very much!

Open a PlatformIO Core CLI in the PIO menu and execute the command pio boards. What does that output?

Execute the command “pio boards” can output boards

The board list should appear after a few seconds. Did you wait for like 5 mins to see if isn’t just painfully slow? Dies the pio boards command indicate any error further down the output? Maybe the ? D:\ project path is problem if it’s not under C:\?

Also, please open the Development Console in VSCode to see any internal errors (Help -> Toggle Developer Tools -> Console)

First of all, I really appreciate your enthusiastic help, thank you!

  1. You can see two errors when you open the development console, before you click the PlatformIO homepage. There is an erroneous line in the screenshot. Because it is the script after compression, the reason is not visible.
  2. After the output of the pio boards command, no errors are seen.
  3. I took into account the impact of network speed. After waiting for about 4 ~ 8 hours, there was no board and no normal loading. So it’s not because of the speed of the internet.

The deprecation error is “ok”, just a warning that that java class shouldn’t be used anymore. But doesn’t cause problems per-sé.

Okay that’s way too long, on my machine pio boards takes 1.3 seconds.

Are there no errors in the console when you further scroll down the debug console?

Can you show the list of enabled extension in VSCode (left sidebar)?

Another possibility would be to install PlatformIO form the CLI using Python3 and pip (Redirecting... and Redirecting... or Redirecting...) and change the VSCode PIO extension settings to uncheck “Use built-in core” and see if that changes things.

My system python version is 3.8
After unchecking “Use built-in core”, I restarted vscode and still can’t load the board

Please remove or disable the Arduino extension in VSCode and restart VSCode, I’ve seen it causing incompatibilities with PlatformIO.

If that does not help…

Can you uninstall the PlatformIO extension, remove your entire C:\Users\<user>\.platformio folder, uninstall Python 3.8, install Python 3.7 and install the VScode extension again? I’ve seen Python 3.8 causing problems in other posts.

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Thank you very much. According to this approach, the board is finally successfully loaded.
It is most likely caused by incompatibility in python 3.8.3. Because the .platformio folder has been emptied before, too But after cleaning this time, install it with python3.7.7. You can finally experience this IDE, thank you again for your kind help! :+1: :+1:

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I tried all the solutions posted in this thread but still I couldn’t make it… Something else to try?
I’ve opened a GitHub issue here: Board Explorer hangs on Loading... · Issue #1971 · platformio/platformio-vscode-ide · GitHub