i recently changed the platform of my project as suggested in my first post:
here : https://community.platformio.org/t/how-to-make-sure-i-have-the-latest-arduino-esp32-core/44760
and i find it strange that when i look at the latest arduino-esp32/librairies/BLE/src/BLECharacteristic.cpp the getValue() method returns a std::string and in my actual code it seems to still be a arduinoString ?
why ?
If you use the link to the exact version like so:
platform = https://github.com/pioarduino/platform-espressif32/releases/download/53.03.10/platform-espressif32.zip
is of type String
You can check the version used during the build process in the terminal window. Watch the output:
- framework-arduinoespressif32 @ 3.1.0
You have to look at the correct branch / Version:
The link you used was a commit from 3 years ago:
big oopsie of my part. thank you for your quick answer !