Beginner question: I cannot get the build to work as describedon ESP32. I2S audio transmission not working

Hi, I’m trying to do this diy walkie talkie project from youtube as my first project on anything code related. I’m a hobbyist and have no coding experience. As I’m only allowed 2 links, I have attached all the images in imgur link below

So far I’ve purchased all parts mentioned in the video except the tinypico, it says you can use any board required.

I installed VS code and PlatformIO and opened the code then platformio.ini file

it mentions lolin32 so I got that I also have the other board that the video uses but I couldn’t get a hold of the tinypico.

I don’t have I2S and I couldn’t find that either. but the video mentions you can change code to use the built in ADC without mentioning how to.

After alot of looking around I finally copied the lines above and the build can be made without errors.

In the main config.h file the video mentions you can change all the major settings so I only added my Wifi router credentials and I uploaded the build succesfully but the transmit button wouldn’t work. I noticed the transmit button is writted without the GPIO_NUM_23 nomenclature. can that be the cause? also there are no mentions of which pins I’m supposed to use to get the speaker to work with the ADC, the internet says my lolin32 board has only two default ADC output pins 25 and 26, I’ve wired them both and still nothing is happening. there’s no LED activity when pressing the buttons and even after trying to use UDP and commenting in ESP NOW there is no audio being transmitted.

I took out the tinypico from the platformio.ini file because when building it was making builds for both tinypico and lolin32 and I’m only using one of those boards but nothing is happening.

When I upload the stock code it makes builds for both tinypico and lolin32 so I tried erasing one from the platform.ini file

I’ve also attached my wiring picture in the link
The other module has the same wiring.

Help would be appreciated thanks, I could really use this for easy communication with my spouse as they have office hours in the room next door and walking sucks.

GPIO25 and GPIO26 are indeed possible ADC pins of the ESP32 chip, ADC2_8 and ADC2_9 respectively, see pinout.

But: You can’t use the ADC2 channels if you’re using WiFi. (

In any case, your wiring must match the code, or you must modify the code. So if the code says

Then that’s going to be ADC1_7, which is GPIO35 per linked wiring diagram. The board should have that pin marked as “35”.

Also, if you want it to use that codepath at all, you have to take care that the config.h is written correctly. Right now from your screenshots you have


And you can clearly see that e.g., Line 34 is greyed out because it’s not activated, because USE_I2S_MIC_INPUT is defined. For it to use the ADC to sample an analog microphone, you have to comment, that is, put a // in front of the line that #defines that macro (USE_I2S_MIC_INPUT). So, the line in the config.h should look like