Atom IDE High CPU Load


Recently I’ve been having trouble with pioplus causing a very high CPU load under certain conditions. The only way to stop this condition is to exit Atom.

My versions are:
Home 0.5.0
Core 3.5.0rc5
Atom 1.22.1
OSX 10.13.1 MBP 2016

The problem according to activity monitor is with Atom -> Atom Helper -> python -> pioplus

If I’m not logged into my pioplus account when I start Atom:
If I launch Atom and the Platformio Homepage automatically appears then the high cpu load starts and stays until I exit Atom.
If I uncheck Show at startup, and relaunch Atom there is no high cpu load until I launch the home page manually.

If I am logged into my pioplus account when I start Atom:
If I launch Atom and the Platformio Homepage appears then the high cpu load starts and stays until I exit Atom.
If I uncheck Show at startup, and relaunch Atom there is no high cpu load even when I launch the home page manually.

I don’t know why it matters if I’m logged into my PlatformIO account when I start Atom, or why it matters if the PlatformIO Homepage launches at startup, but it does seem to make a difference.

My workaround of not launching the homepage at startup is good enough for me, but the issue should be fixed.


Please open PIO IDE Terminal and type pio home. Do you still experience high CPU load?

Typing pio home in a terminal window within Atom caused a new tab to open in Safari. There was no significant change in the CPU load as a result.

The difference seems to be if I first log out of my pio account, then start Atom. If the pio homepage is configured to open when Atom starts then the high CPU load starts, and stays on until I close Atom.

If I’m logged into my pio account before starting Atom then there’s no significant CPU load.

I had this exact same problem. I solved it by:
a) Logging into my PIO Account.
b) unchecking the “Show at startup” checkbox on the PIO homepage.
c) restarting Atom

I should mention also that after closing and reopening PIO / Atom, there was a warning that one of my project folders was missing (because I had deleted it). Maybe PIO is searching for this missing folder in the background the whole time, causing some sort of CPU load?