Atmel START framework


I am using Atmel START outside of PlatformIO using a tool for CMake files generations.
Atmel START link:
Tool link: GitHub - jmichiels/atmel-start: A command line tool and CMake toolchain generator for Atmel START

The essence is that Atmel START is a framework for many MCUs and it is relatively easy to use.
However I don’t think it can be made as a library as it generates the vector tables for the ARM mcus, and some overrides of stdio in case it is requested.

My question would be what is the way to bring the Atmel START to PlatformIO?
How much effort do you think it will be?
From what I see it will be some work to generate the SCons build files instead of CMake, and the work to add the framework to PlatformIO, which I can not estimate.

This is being discussed in Atmel ASF3 as alternative framework? · Issue #33 · platformio/platform-atmelsam · GitHub

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