PIO Core Call Error: “The next files/directories have been created in /home/asus/Documents/PlatformIO/Projects/name\ninclude - Put project header files here\nlib - Put here project specific (private) libraries\nsrc - Put project source files here\nplatformio.ini - Project Configuration File\n\nError: Processing bluepill_f103c8_128k (platform: ststm32; board: bluepill_f103c8_128k; framework: mbed)\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nVerbose mode can be enabled via -v, --verbose option\nCONFIGURATION: https://docs.platformio.org/page/boards/ststm32/bluepill_f103c8_128k.html\nPLATFORM: ST STM32 > BluePill F103C8 (128k)\nHARDWARE: STM32F103C8T6 72MHz 20KB RAM (128KB Flash)\nDEBUG: CURRENT(stlink) EXTERNAL(blackmagic, jlink, stlink)\nwrite() takes exactly 2 arguments (3 given)\nmbed build API internal error\n========================== [ERROR] Took 0.71 seconds ==========================”
Nice to know that mbed_apps.json now is supporter, good job.
However I got some regressions after upgrading: mbed_trace.h includes files not found anymore… even if they are there were they are supposed to be.
I thought that I had to do some mods on mbed_apps.json file, I followed the instructions given here but no luck… i got even worst since the parameter “mbed-trace.enable” is not recognised…
Same for FATFileSystem.h… not found anymore, even if feature storage is added
Hi @danielm! Thanks for the info. Temporarily, you can fix the platform version in your platformio.ini:
platform = ststm32@~4.6.0
Can you please elaborate on your project settings? I suspect that you don’t use OS in your project? Have you tried to compile your project using the mbed online compiler?