I’m trying to import a working Arduino project into the PlatformIO environment. The issue I’m having is with the ArduinoOTA library, unfortunately, this isn’t the one listed in the PlatformIO registry. The one I need is on Github is version 1.0 and authored by Ivan Grokhotkov and Miguel Angel Ajo (according to the libraries.properties file)
It has some class members that I need for my code.
The github page for this library doesn’t have a pull-down menu to copy the *.git link for this library. In the past, I’ve had no problem adding Lib_deps using
I’ve sent an email to the maintainer of the code to add git link to the github page with this library. In the meantime, I’ve tried using a local copy of this library from Arduino using the above pio pkg install command but I get this error:
I followed your first link and saw that ArduinoOTA file in that github link does have the required class members I need.
Do I have to pull in these built in esp32 libraries into my project? I looked at my project tree and don’t see anything but the stuff I’ve added as lib_deps. Where would I see the esp32 libraries if they were added to my project?
No you don’t! These libraries are builtin to the Espressif32 Arduino Framework and located on your harddrive %HOMEPATH%/.platformio/packages/framework-arduinoespressif32/libraries.
Simply do a #include <ArduinoOTA.h> and use the library.
No settings are required.
I already have that declared in my code but when I look at the definition by right clicking over <Ardunio.h> It points to a library in Lib_deps. I just issued a pio pkg uninstall command, and by accident, I wiped out most of the lib_deps. I meant to only delete the ArduinoOTA under lib_deps
Note the path of the resulting header file, it points to libdeps folder, from what you are saying, it should be somewhere else?
I tried posting you video showing you exactly what I did when I right clicked over #include <ArduinoOTA.h> but it was rejected because of the file type (.mov)
Ok, One thing i have to correct. I thought you where using Espressif32 - My bad.
But your lib_deps lists a lot of thirdparty libraries which are not compatible to the ESP8266 and have builtin counterparts. Those libraries must be removed from the lib_deps.
Unfortunately I’m unable to edit n screenshot.
Please post file content and logs as pre-formatted text next time.
Remove all unnecessary libraries like jandrassy/ARduinoOTA (a builtin library is available!)
Nearly all “arduino-libraries/…” are not compatible to the ESP8266 and should be removed. If there is no builtin library available, look for a thirdparty library at the registry or on github for an ESP8266 compatible library.
SD is a builtin library Keyboard → not supported by ESP8266 Mouse → not supported by ESP8266 Ethernet → not needed! You’re using wifi…
I’ve got the feeliing that the whole project was not meant to run on an ESP8266 ?
You’ll find the builtin libraries on your harddrive in %HOMEPATH%/.platformio/packages/framework-arduinoespressif8266/libraries
After my post I was wonder if text would be better, so here it is. When I started this project I might have had more confusion about libraries so I probably added some that aren’t applicable, as you pointed out. I’m running code on Wemos D1 mini which is an ESP8266 device.