Arduino Portenta C33 JLink Flash Problem

Here is the basic config, taken from the PlatformIO docs:

platform = renesas-ra
board = portenta_c33
upload_protocol = jlink

I’m running into a prompt when I try to flash:


J-Link is specifically looking for the device R7FA6M5BH, which can be discovered in the J-Link UI. Here are the PlatformIO logs confirming the device value:

Target connection not established yet but required for command.
No valid device has been selected.
J-Link>loadbin .pio/build/portenta_c33/firmware.hex, 0x10000
Target connection not established yet but required for command.
Please specify device / core. <Default>: R7FA6M5BH
Type '?' for selection dialog

Device "R7FA6M5BH" selected.

Connecting to target via SWD
ConfigTargetSettings() start

I assume this is a typo in a configuration file, but I don’t know where to look for it to suggest a change.

As a temporary workaround, is there a way to specify the appropriate device in the platformio.ini file?


The proper place to fix this is in the board definitions. I’ve opened

to get this resolved. If you want to patch it yourself, just open the file <home folder>/.platformio/platforms/renesas-ra/boards/portenta_c33.json and edit

"jlink_device": "R7FA6M5",


"jlink_device": "R7FA6M5BH",
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