Arduino core library not available for teensy

I’m programming a teensy2.0 and using the Keyboard library ok, however on compilation the keyboard library is complaining that there is no HID library
*** [.pioenvs\teensy20\src\main.o] Error 1
In file included from .piolibdeps\Keyboard_ID891\src\Keyboard.cpp:22:0:
.piolibdeps\Keyboard_ID891\src\Keyboard.h:25:17: fatal error: HID.h: No such file or directory

The library manager doesn’t recognise HID as a library though I can download HID direct from github and install as a user library, but then I get the same issue with HID using non existing libraries such as PluggableUSB (again not in the PlatformIO repository)

Are these not core libraries available by default or is it natural to pull them down manually from gihub? Compiling using the standard Arduino IDE + teensyduino doesn’t suffer any problems with missing these libraries

Apologies if I have missed anything obvious


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