Anyone successfully working with OpenRB-150 on PlatformIO?

I’m trying to migrate from a MKR Wifi 1010 / Dynamixel shield to Robotis’s OpenRB-150 controller board. It is a SAMD board very similar and pin-compatible to the MKR Wifi but not exactly the same, amongst other things it removes the WifiNINA module, but it also changes some things in the serial connection. This is evidenced by the fact that selecting MKR1010 as a board in Arduino IDE will almost work but the serial connection to the Dynamixel servos does not; building the same code with OpenRB-150 as a board works flawlessly.

Robotis does provide a full board package for the Arduino IDE, it’s at, main git at GitHub - ROBOTIS-GIT/OpenRB-150: OpenRB-150 controller Arduino board manager. The full repo is at But it seems like there is no port to PlatformIO yet. I’ve studied the online manual and to create one myself is far beyond my capability. Has anyone worked with this board and PlatformIO before, or can tell me how to simplify the task?