An error was reported regarding the use of the serial monitor

1.Press CTRL+T and then CTRL+H in the serial monitor to display -unknown menu character ‘\x7f’ –

 *  正在文件夹 demo16_12864(renew) 中执行任务: C:\Users\xiang\.platformio\penv\Scripts\platformio.exe device monitor 

--- Terminal on COM3 | 9600 8-N-1
--- Available filters and text transformations: colorize, debug, default, direct, hexlify, log2file, nocontrol, printable, send_on_enter, time
--- More details at
--- Quit: Ctrl+C | Menu: Ctrl+T | Help: Ctrl+T followed by Ctrl+H
--- unknown menu character '\x7f' --
--- unknown menu character '\x7f' --
--- unknown menu character '\x7f' --
--- unknown menu character '\x7f' --
--- unknown menu character '\x7f' --

2.How do I permanently enable the echo?

monitor_echo = yes in the platformio.ini (docs).

Well, not sure. Maybe some wrong terminal encoding settings. If you can’t solve it, at least report it to