Adding support for Freescale ARM Cortex-M4 MK24 MK24FN1M0VDC12

I’m new here and I’d like how it works with some things…
Recently I have found a board around.
It’s a Kinetis ARM Cortex-M4 MK24 MK24FN1M0VDC12.
I read another post in this blog and I discovered that Freescale Kinetis support already exists for some boards
Is it possible to add support for my own board (which isn’t listed)?
Is it a difficult process and I need to know board-specific architecture?
Thanks a lot!

Please file an issue at

Note that you might be able to add support for it yourself using the available other boards as template and the docs.

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Thanks a lot!
I’ll try to add support myself and also write an issue to see in case somebody has the same MCU and is interested in the “project”