About the PlatformIO IDE category

Questions and discussion about PlatformIO IDE.

Hi All, I am completely new to this field and desperately need some guidance. I have a home built printer using an 8 bit controller which I recently relpaced with a BTT SKR controller. I have managed to get a successful compile which I loaded into the controller and the printer works! But! I needed to change a few things like enabling eprom (so I could save with M500) and babysteps. This s where the problem starts.I am using vscode and Marlin I tried to do a compile using the dowloadd Marlin configuration.h and configuration_adv.h files so see if it works ok.The build failed with a "ignore unknown configuration option ‘extends’ in section [platformio]] line 1 col1. I click on the error and I am taken to the platformio file (or folder?) where I see a blank line with a small accent where the problem supposedly resides and I stick there. I don’t know what is required here and in what format etc. I Have no idea how I managed to get the first compile but I must have changed something somewhere since . I have absolutely no knowledge of C++ and get completely confused when I am confronted by the “programmers jargon”. I feel like I have just landed in a foreign country and don’t know how to communicate Apologies for the lengthy post but I needed to let you know my situation. Many thanks for reading this post and hoping for a solution. best regards Les (Moxy) PS. Machines I can tell you all about!