A small code I wrote to buttle the 5G pendemic that is upon us. Enjoy


And it’s not the code. it’s the idea…

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Pull-requesting for switching to an ESP8266 in order to add the functionality of sending arbitrary multiple beacon frames via the wifi_send_pkt_freedom() function (example) and advertise multiple APs with names such as




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I added a captive portal using Preact.
It show a mock terminal running a bogus communication log.
Let the gullible think the Big-Brother is gathering data on them.

The portal is built with Preact.
And it’s a nice basic example of how to create a Hybrid ESP-Preact application.

I’m currently working on updating the readme files for both this and the preact projects.

And they should randomly transition through… i.e. the FBI Monitoring van should appear and disappear, id number should change, power levels should increase and decrease… :joy: :joy:

I know it’s not a much fun, but the captive portal should probably then give links to research and articles explaining what 5G actually is, and link to research showing tests done showing how safe/unsafe it is. RF transmission has always had a degree of risk, but it had been determined to be an acceptable risk for the reward, and the risk minimised as much as practical. So better to ensure people understand this, and thus not panic. Informed decision making. :wink:

Unfortunatly I don’t have any ESP8266 at hand. So I can’t test the code with it for publishing.

If you are connected to the device using a Laptop, then you probably don’t have Internet connection to follow any links.
This is in many cases true for many IoT devices, espacially during the first configuration stages.

A big part of this project is actually learning how to develop a Hybrid Java-Script SPA for the control side of IoT devices, that will be functional enoght but at the same time, small enoght to be embedded on a micro-controler.
The actual project for this is: https://github.com/RoiEf/IoT_Boiler_CTL
Current size is 60KB after compilation which I think is verry good.

Also I’m not trying to educate anybody here. It’s more of a joke.
Maybe I’ll add a timer, if the person who check this out is connected to the internet, and keep the browser window open, After 5 minuets, I’ll redirect him to a "Illuminati web site or to www.dhmo.org

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