A real head scratcher... Include errors

I am new to all this stuff. I am trying to flash Marlin firmware to a BTT SKR Mini E3 V1.2 board. I have watched several videos of the pros walking you through each step. Pretty simple.

Except most of them don’t get these include errors I am getting preventing me from successfully building marlin.

One guy had errors like I did upon opening the firmware in PlatformIO but he never covered how they just disappeared.

Steps: (all current versions as of 5/29/2020)
Download Marlin + Extract + Copy Ender 3 files
Download VS editor + install
Download PlatformIO IDE + Install
Prompted to install Python + Install
PlatformIO finishes

Platform IO open project > select extracted marlin folder in C:\marlin-2.0.x

Click marlin > configuration.h

But as soon as everything imports the warnings and problems begin to populate. They can be seen below in the images. Head scratcher…

No one seems to have this issue (at least the people I am watching on youtube) any ideas or help leading to a resolution would be greatly appreciated. Please note, I am no programmer so if you could dumb it down a little for me. I am not as smart as some of the folks on here! :grinning:

Other image

Ignore the IntelliSense warnings (‘Problems’) for now, and try to build the code. See if it builds successfully. Once you’ve built it, unless something truly is broken, the warnings will most likely go away, now that IntelliSense has had a chance to walk through all the code.

If it does break, please give the build log (use triple backticks ``` before and after the code so it doesn’t get get mangled by the forum software), and we can work from there.

Thanks pfeerick.

I have tried to build and because of the errors or warnings, the build usually fails. When I get home from work I am going to uninstall and reinstall everything again to see if that don’t fix it.

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There is also something else I found on gethub.

I will try this too. Maybe this is the issue?

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Download and add this firmware into Platform IO. Edit any parameters as needed. It took about 9 min to build, but success at last! Praise Jesus.

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