WOUW! 2000 configuration rules

In sdkconfig.esp32doit-devkit-v1 I’ve found all these rules and no hint on where to find some kind of explanation to what all these beauty is supposed to rule.
O yes, there’s some comment when dividing the blocks. That helps a bit but not enough for me.
Can, will, someone please point me to a start unraveling this riddle?

ESP-IDF as a big framework with thousands of configuration options. The default options for everything should be quite sane though. Documentation for these options is provided by Espressif.


also see further configuration options in each component https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/stable/esp32/api-reference/kconfig.html#component-config.

If you don’t have a problem with the current ESP-IDF configuration, I would suggest leaving it alone rathern than understanding every single line and option in it. If you need a particular change, only look into the documentation of the particular subcomponent for possible config options.

Thank you.
“If you need a particular change, only look into the documentation of the particular subcomponent for possible config options.”
Very sane advice too. Otherwise we might go insane.