What is <SDISerial.h> extension in PlatformIO?

Hi Everyone,

There is 1 question I want to ask on.

In ArduinoIDE, there is one extension library call as <SDISerial.h>, but in the PlatformIO, it don’t have this extension available. Can I know what is the same library for SDISerial.h in PlatformIO.

Thanks you in advance.

Even though there is no such library listed in the registry, you can lib_deps to refer to an arbitrary download link or repo for a library, and hence you can write

lib_deps =

in the platformio.ini to have access to the library.

Note that if the “Espressif32” tag is correct in your question, the SDISerial.h won’t work because it’s designed for AVR devices (also has some inline AVR assembly in it), so better use GitHub - EnviroDIY/Arduino-SDI-12: An Arduino library for SDI-12 communication with a wide variety of environmental sensors. This library provides a general software solution, without requiring any additional hardware..

Hi maxgerhardt, thanks for the sharing.

What I am currently trying to do is to connect GS3 Decagon Sensor GS3 Decagon Sensor Datasheet with ESP-WROOM-32 30 PIN Development Board. I still unable to connect both of them is it because the SDISerial is meant only AVR devices and the ESP-WROOM-32 30 PIN Development Board is not a AVR devices?

Below are the code that I tried on the Arduino IDE.

/* code reads Decagon GS3 sensor output to the serial terminal.
WHITE wire: power supply/excitation, connected to 5v pin
RED wire: data line, connected to Arduino pin 2 (or another interrupt-capable pin)
bare wire: connected to GND
#include <SDISerial.h>
#define INPUT_SIZE 30
#define NUMSAMPLES 5
#define INVERTED 1
int sensorDelay = 1000;
// bulk density used to calculate porewater conductivity (g/cm3)
float bulkDens = 0.4;  
// mineral density assumed to be 2.65 Mg/m3 (used 
// in porewater calculation from eq. 3 from GS-3 manual)
float theta = 1 - (bulkDens / 2.65); 
char* samples; 
SDISerial sdi_serial_connection(DATA_PIN, INVERTED);

void setup() {
  pinMode(2, OUTPUT);
  Serial.println("Start Initialized\n");
void loop() {
  uint8_t i;
  // arrays to hold reps
  float dielectric[NUMSAMPLES];
  float soilMoist[NUMSAMPLES];
  float degC[NUMSAMPLES];
  float bulkEC[NUMSAMPLES];
  float porewaterEC[NUMSAMPLES];
  float solutionEC[NUMSAMPLES];
  // mean values
  float dielMean        = 0.0;
  float soilMoistMean   = 0.0;
  float degCMean        = 0.0;
  float bulkECMean      = 0.0;
  float porewaterECMean = 0.0;
  float solutionECMean  = 0.0;
  // take repeated samples
  for (i = 0; i < NUMSAMPLES; i++) {
    //char* response = get_measurement(); // get measurement data
    samples = get_measurement();
    while (strlen(samples) < 5) {
      samples = get_measurement();  
    // first term is the sensor address (irrelevant to me)
    char* term1 = strtok(samples, "+");
    // second term is the dielectric conductivity & soil moisture
    term1      = strtok(NULL, "+");
    dielectric[i] = atof(term1);
    term1 = strtok(NULL, "+");
    degC[i] = atof(term1);
    term1 = strtok(NULL, "+");
    bulkEC[i] = atof(term1);
    // see eqs. 1 + 2 from GS3 manual (dS/m)
    porewaterEC[i] = ((80.3 - 0.37 * (degC[i] - 20)) * bulkEC[i] / 1000) / (dielectric[i] - 6);
   if (bulkEC[i] < 5) {
     soilMoist[i]  = (5.89 * pow(10.0, -6.0) * pow(dielectric[i], 3.0)) - (7.62 * pow(10.0, -4.0) * 
     pow(dielectric[i], 2.0)) + (3.67 * pow(10.0, -2.0) * dielectric[i]) - (7.53 * pow(10.0, -2.0));
   } else {
   soilMoist[i]  =  0.118 * sqrt(dielectric[i]) -0.117;
    // calculate EC of solution removed from a saturated soil paste, 
    // according to Decagon GS3 manual
    // see page 8 of GS3 manual (eq. 4)
    solutionEC[i] =  (bulkEC[i] / 1000 * soilMoist[i]) / theta; 
    // sum with each iteration
    dielMean        += dielectric[i];
    soilMoistMean   += soilMoist[i];
    degCMean        += degC[i];
    bulkECMean      += bulkEC[i];
    porewaterECMean += porewaterEC[i];
    solutionECMean  += solutionEC[i];
  // Average readings for each parameter
  dielMean        /= NUMSAMPLES;
  soilMoistMean   /= NUMSAMPLES;
  degCMean        /= NUMSAMPLES;
  bulkECMean      /= (NUMSAMPLES / 0.001);
  porewaterECMean /= NUMSAMPLES;
  solutionECMean  /= NUMSAMPLES;
//  Serial.print("dielectric: ");
//  Serial.println(dielMean, 3);
  Serial.print("VWC (m3/m3): ");
  Serial.println(soilMoistMean, 3);
  Serial.print("Degree (C): ");
  Serial.println(degCMean, 1);
  Serial.print("bulk EC (dS/m): ");
  Serial.println(bulkECMean, 3);
//  Serial.print("Solution EC (dS/m): ");
//  Serial.println(solutionECMean, 4);
//  Serial.print("porewater EC (dS/m): "); 
//  Serial.println(porewaterECMean, 4);

char* get_measurement(){
        // function by Joran Beasley: https://github.com/joranbeasley/SDISerial/blob/master/examples/SDISerialExample/SDISerialExample.ino
    char* service_request = sdi_serial_connection.sdi_query("?M!", sensorDelay);
    //you can use the time returned above to wait for the service_request_complete
    char* service_request_complete = sdi_serial_connection.wait_for_response(sensorDelay);
    // 1 second potential wait, but response is returned as soon as it's available
    return sdi_serial_connection.sdi_query("?D0!", sensorDelay);

Is there any solution that are possible to make the sensor and the board work together?

Thanks in advance.

Yeah, the ESP32 compatible library I linked you to should have equivalent functionality so that you can execute

Just have a look at the example code there