Upload to Adafruit Feather M0 (SAMD21) does not work

I’m using a Wio Lite MG126 and several Seeed XIAO boards.

  • I’ve tried making the changes to main.py and the bossac version 1.7.0 doesn’t recognize the --offset commend. I don’t know how to update to a version that does.

  • I used verified that the verbose upload command that the arguments are the same as when arduino uploads the blink program

  • The offset 0x2000 is the same on the Wio

  • I tried adding “platform_packages = framework-arduino-samd-seeed@GitHub - Seeed-Studio/ArduinoCore-samd” to platformio.ini in my env. It told me I needed to install the Git client. ok no problem

  • I installed the Git client from the link “Git - Downloads” and it still gives me this error

I guess I’m not surprised that it doesn’t know how to git. From everything I’ve seen so far the PlatformIO CLI ignores path variables and directories directories dumped into project and that’s probably why people think it’s so powerful and configurable. It also makes it so complicated to use. Every single little thing is so much more convoluted than it appears. I hate what I’ve become.

I managed to cobble together a solution here: