Update.h documentation?

I’m trying to do the following:

  • connect to wifi upon receiving an esp_now message
  • download new firmware via http from another esp32
  • update the board, reboot, send an “ok” via esp_now
    Now i understand this would work with Update.h, but no matter what i search, i can’t seem to find good documentation.
    Does anyone have a hint on where to find it? Or any other tip on what libraries i should use?
    I found some code that more or less does what i want, but i’m very reluctant to use it without documentation.

It seems you’re looking for the builtin HTTPUpdate library.

Take a look at the example.

oh thanks. this does basically what HTTPclient plus Update.h would do, so yeah i’m happy to use it :wink:

Exactly :slight_smile:

The sourcecode of this library is also a good tutorial on how to use the Update library.