Trying to use SerialTransfer.h for pi pico

The search link:

Indicates it is compatible , but it won’t build.
using the verbose build it indicates it is not compatabile

Framework incompatible library …/Projects/HCR_fw/.pio/libdeps/pico/SerialTransfer
It works fine for both UNO and Teensy ; trying it for the pico.
It seems to be straight forward lib , how the loader judged it is not compatible?

How can we answer that without the platformio.ini you’re working with?

Thanks , here is it

; [env:uno]
; platform = atmelavr
; board = uno
; framework = arduino
; lib_deps =
; Wire
; SerialTransfer

; [env:teensy31]
; platform = teensy
; framework = arduino
; board = teensy31
; build_flags = -D TEENSY_OPT_FASTEST
; lib_deps =
; Wire
; SerialTransfer

platform = raspberrypi
board = pico
; lib_compat_mode = strict
lib_deps =
upload_protocol = picotool

You need framework = arduino in there if you want to use the Arduino framework.

Thank you much.
That did it.