Trouble with Heltec Cubecell-Board package


I’m a new user of PlatformIO. I start to migrate some project from Arduino IDE + Notepad++ to VSC + PlateformIO.
I am currently taking charge of the software. I’ve no difficulty to use it with Arduino board.

But I also use Heltec Cubecell board. So I have created a new project on PlatformIO for this board. But I am facing a problem.
I’ve these following error messages:

“C:\Users\mathi\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoasrmicro650x\cores\asr650x\lora\radio" is not found.” [19,17],
“C:\Users\mathi\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoasrmicro650x\cores\asr650x\lora\radio" is not found.” [56,21],
The error message is pointing to the c_cpp_properties.json file who effectively call this “radio” folder.
When I check with the windows explorer, the folder is effectively missing.

So what can I do ? Why this folder is missing ? I just have selected “cubecell_board” when I created the new project and let PlatformIO installing everythings.

Thank for your help.


IntelliSense errors can be ignored if it builds.

Does it build when you press the normal “Build” button?


You are right it build. I’ve tried with a simple blink led code.
I was just scared that can cause trouble when I start to use the lora radio module of the board.
