Things like Arduino Uno clone boards that have CH340 chips on them instead of the ATMega16U2 as USB-UART bridge should be broken too (no 1A86:7523 HWID in uno.json).
The STM32 platform should be really broken too if it uses HWIDs to identify the serial port because the generic boards like platform-ststm32/genericSTM32F103C8.json at develop · platformio/platform-ststm32 · GitHub dictate HWIDs from the LeafLabs USB DFU bootloader that surely not everyone is using with those boards. (Think e.g.: just flash via STLink and monitor via some USB UART adapter)
I also personally ran into this problem with my platform-raspberrypi implementation when wanting to treat my Raspberry Pi Pico board as an Adafruit Feather RP2040 board (needed for some testing), PlatformIO stopped being able to monitor since it had the HWID mismatch – though I guess I could correct this in my board files.
I still have the opinion that the HWIDs should be seen as a “hint” or “priority choice”, not as a hard “if your HWID is not there we refuse to do anything”.