Support ESP32 Wrover Module?

Okay from the PM

this is my Device There is only one difference between the cameras. I use camera ov2640

It looks like an AI Thinker cam. So you are using the #define CAMERA_MODEL_AI_THINKER setting, right?

Please use the Arduino IDE where the sketch works. After Serial.begin(), add the code

Serial.println("Y2_GPIO_NUM: " + String((int)Y2_GPIO_NUM));
Serial.println("Y3_GPIO_NUM: " + String((int)Y3_GPIO_NUM));
Serial.println("Y4_GPIO_NUM: " + String((int)Y4_GPIO_NUM));
Serial.println("Y5_GPIO_NUM: " + String((int)Y5_GPIO_NUM));
Serial.println("Y6_GPIO_NUM: " + String((int)Y6_GPIO_NUM));
Serial.println("Y7_GPIO_NUM: " + String((int)Y7_GPIO_NUM));
Serial.println("Y8_GPIO_NUM: " + String((int)Y8_GPIO_NUM));
Serial.println("Y9_GPIO_NUM: " + String((int)Y9_GPIO_NUM));
Serial.println("XCLK_GPIO_NUM: " + String((int)XCLK_GPIO_NUM));
Serial.println("PCLK_GPIO_NUM: " + String((int)PCLK_GPIO_NUM));
Serial.println("VSYNC_GPIO_NUM: " + String((int)VSYNC_GPIO_NUM));
Serial.println("HREF_GPIO_NUM: " + String((int)HREF_GPIO_NUM));
Serial.println("SIOD_GPIO_NUM: " + String((int)SIOD_GPIO_NUM));
Serial.println("SIOC_GPIO_NUM: " + String((int)SIOC_GPIO_NUM));
Serial.println("PWDN_GPIO_NUM: " + String((int)PWDN_GPIO_NUM));
Serial.println("RESET_GPIO_NUM: " + String((int)RESET_GPIO_NUM));

and upload the code.

  1. Does the camera still work?
  2. What is the serial output for all pins?

Now add the same code in the PlatformIO project. Does it output the same pins?

One second. This is the problem. It sets the wrong camera pins.

This will cause the project to use this library’s camera_pins.h instead of the intended file.

You must use all the the other files from the example, too! arduino-esp32/libraries/ESP32/examples/Camera/CameraWebServer at b05bdf690418efd28c8468b5cb8345d95ba77e9f · espressif/arduino-esp32 · GitHub

There’s the correct camera_pins.h and other files. Please remove the lib_deps = .. line in the platformio.ini, remove the .pio\ folder of the project,put the correct files from the example in the PlatformIO project and re-upload the project.

Edit: I’ve created a reference project at GitHub - maxgerhardt/pio-esp32cam: A PlatformIO compilable project for the ESP32Cam providing a Webcam.


very thank you my friend
This issue was resolved :crazy_face: