Specify Path to PlatformIO in Visual Studio Code

Will do - and thanks again.
AND I have had a AHA-experience - I can now switch PIO ON and OFF just by disabling PIO in a project. This may have disturbed me earlier.

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I have come a long way forward now. Iā€™m not sure if the windows path is not disturbing me. I am trying a book example from Randomnerds: ā€œ2_5_Mutiple_Outputs_Websocket_serverā€ and it works when the code is downloaded without any change. I can display and change a button via my mobile phone and via a browser window - it changes on the screens and one of the LEDā€™s on the board happens to be on the correct GPIO and changes. It works perfectly.
However I cannot edit the index.html - nothing changes. I cannot edit the design. I think the path is cheating me.
In the PlatformIO core CLI I have the following path: E:\ESP\ESP32_Projects\2_5_Multiple_Outputs_WebSocket>
and my index.html is in this path below:
When I edit the index.html the changes are not uploaded to the ESP32 board.
I need to know where/what index.html file I have to work on ??

The files are only uploaded if you execute the ā€œUpload File system imageā€ task. A normal ā€œuploadā€ will not do that. This is documented in Espressif 32 ā€” PlatformIO latest documentation.

But Iā€™m not sure how this relates to this topic?

The solution
My god ā€¦ I am a total idiotā€¦ I forgot to set the board in programming mode.
I did not press ā€œBootā€ and ā€œENā€ !!!

I set the environment in Win10 and reinstall pio, but it didnā€™t work.