Sparkfun Micromod F405 fails to run when compiled via PlatformIO

I found the solution. I believe the code was working fine but that serial communication wasn’t configured properly which was leading me to believe there were larger issues.

Difficulty with getting USB serial [USB CDC] working - #30 by umar.techboy This post was helpful.

I introduced these build flags and was able to run my hello world program successfully without issue:


I’m not sure how many of them are especially relevant. I derived PID and VID by declaring USBD_VID inside of ArduinoIDE and then right-clicking on it to take me to its definition. I found it in variant_MICROMOD_F405_DFU.h but these values will be different for other product lines.

I started to realize something was wrong when I right-clicked on Serial inside of ArduinoIDE and was taken to a different code location than when I right-clicked it from within PlatformIO. This led me to realizing that I needed the USBCON build flags.