Problem using library wolfssl


I’ve installed the library wolfssl. But now it is installed I cannot include the header files:

src/main.cpp:11:25: fatal error: wolfssl/ssl.h: No such file or directory

What is the problem here? The installation looks good.


What’s your folder struture of the project (tree) and your platformio.ini?

I’m not sure, what you mean with “structure of the project(tree)”. For my tests, I only used main.cpp under src.

This is the platfomio.ini (I’ve added lib_deps, but with no success):

platform = espressif8266
board = nodemcuv2
framework = arduino
monitor_speed = 9600
lib_deps = 

Thanks for your help.

What library are you using? I find PlatformIO Registry to be only for mbed-os devices, not the ESP8266.

Also I meant something like

│   └───nodemcuv2
│       ├───FrameworkArduino
│       ├───ld
│       └───src
│   └───wolfSSL_ID2851
│       ├───src
│       ├───wolfcrypt
│       │   └───src
│       └───wolfssl
│           ├───openssl
│           └───wolfcrypt

You are right, thats the library I wanted to use. I was not looking at the dependencies, because others are using this lib with ESP. But they do so by using esp-open-rtos.

Thank you for pointing me in the right direction. This question is answered.