Portenta and RPC: missing `asio.hpp` header; `framework-arduino-mbed` not latest

Do you see such a file in your local C:\Users\<user>\.platformio\packages\framework-arduino-mbed\[....] folder?

Nope… do you mean here:

Then likely PlatformIO staff didn’t put this fix into newly released framework versions. Can you manually add back the library.json from the link above in that folder and retry clean + compilation?

I will. thank you!! … Did you change the library.properties as well? I have a nicla that I might connect in the future.

No, when a library.json exists, it superseedes the library.properties.

Another short question for you maybe if you have 2 minutes… I would like to use the rpclib to make function calls from a PC to the portenta, but it seems to me that the arduino function that are defined from RPC.bind (…) are mainly for communicating between the two cores. So is it also possible to use RPC.h or SerialRPC.h for “external” communication with a msgpack-rpc client?

I sadly have no knowledge of the RPC library and its exact functions.

Thanks… anyway… it now works fine !!!

but this is in the fork from:

which I think is not maintained by platformIO… I mean it’s arduino’s stuff…Or do I miss sth?