PlatformIO running on RaspberryP0W - Raspbian 11 Lite ARMv6 / arch: v6l / Linux-v6l


I’m getting ready to join into development of Fujinet, which is a WiFi modem (+ some other stuff) for retro computers - mostly Atari 8bit.

Interestingly, I wanted to do it on a homogenous platform, which is the Raspberry Pi 0 W. For this, I installed a minimal version of Debian (Raspbian 11 Lite) and PlatformIO with the command “pip install platformio”.

Later I downloaded the Fujinet source tree from github and tried to build it with “pio run”,
but the build process has been failed.

I was able to diagnose and fix the following PlatformIO 5.2.4 errors:

  • rebuilding tool-ninja
  • rebuilding tool-cmake
  • rebuilding tool-mkspiffs
    Installed binaries crashed with “segmentation fault”.

Added “C” linkage fix to files:

  • .platformio/packages/framework-espidf/components/newlib/platform_include/sys/dirent.h
  • .platformio/packages/toolchain-xtensa-esp32/xtensa-esp32-elf/sys-include/dirent.h

Removed EC-ACC cert in the file:

  • .platformio/packages/framework-espidf/components/mbedtls/esp_crt_bundle/cacrt_all.pem

So… Where and whom I can report it and send archives to build with binary files ?

Summarizing the whole experiment…

Now I can build the source tree and they are ready to upload for the ESP32 device.
One thing is that the whole process takes a very long time. Even if I try to build incrementally.
From scratch, all libraries and source time compilation is about 2h.
I think is possible to cut the time with leave many checkings, updatings, etc…

Best regards,

. ← attraction flag :slight_smile:

Seems like everything is related to packages and files related to platform-espressif32 – please open an issue at Issues · platformio/platform-espressif32 · GitHub.

Ok. Thank you! I will.

… and… Happy New Year! :slight_smile:

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