PlatformIO on VSCode using python 3.11 when 3.13 is installed

I am on macOS and have python 3.13 installed, after installing platformIO when I built and ran stuff to my esp32 board the name on the terminal it ran always changed from “build-task” to “python3.11-task” I did some digging and found that the platform io core used python3.11 but when I ran “pio system info” it showed python 3.13. Is there something I am missing or is this the way it is supposed to be.

Also I have never installed python 3.11 on my Mac, is there a way I can change the platformio python interpreter on Mac. I went through the .platformio file and found a python version 3.11 there and I am guessing that’s where it is from but why install that version when I have a more up to date one.

Platformio uses its own Python version, which is installed during install of Platformio