PlatformIO integration into Embeetle IDE

Redirect the needed folders to the current project directory per documentation.


; redirect *all* packages, so e.g. framework-arduino-avr. 
; this would however also redirect compiler packages, like toolchain-atmelavr, which 
; you might want to .gitignore.. (they're OS  & arch specific anyways)
packages_dir = $PROJECT_DIR/packages
; redirect the standard `.pio\lideps` directory if needed for better visibility
libdeps_dir = $PROJECT_DIR/libdeps
; redirect global libraries which normall go into <home dir>/.platformio/libs
globallib_dir = $PROJECT_DIR/global_libs

platform = atmelavr
board = uno
framework = arduino
lib_deps =
   bblanchon/ArduinoJson @ ^6.18.0

Such a project would have a folder structure like…

You can also see that that is used by other projects like GitHub - Zetaohm/DaisyPod_Platformio_Example.

Tagging @ivankravets because of new IDE integration.

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