Hi, i am ready to send all information that you need to us find out the BUG
Thank you!
This board uses minimal.csv
partition table. See
You can change partition using Espressif 32 — PlatformIO latest documentation
Hi, i remember you yesterday
Do you mean that i need to edit the minimal.csv with that arduino parameters ?
Bad news, they are EQUAL
copied 2 files from Arduino to .Platformio ( bootloader_dio_40m.bin and copy boot_app0.bin )
C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\espressif\esp32\tools\sdk\bin>copy bootloader_dio_40m.bin \Users\USER.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif32\tools\sdk\bin
C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\espressif\esp32\tools\sdk\bin>copy boot_app0.bin \Users\USER.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif32
Now working! Please, fix this BUG
The problem are in the bootloader_dio_40m.bin and copy boot_app0.bin
Can you fix to use them automaticly when choose NINA W ?
I’ve looked through the two ELF files and also noticed you did delay(50);
instead of a delay(500);
in the loop()
as originally posted. Didn’t notice the thing with the bootload though… Hard to reproduce without the hardware.
Sorry, i had used 50 and 500, only to tests…but hadnt sovled the problem that time!
Now, working if you copy those files!
Working perfectly!
Something is different in those two files on .Plataform…maybe you use temporarily those 2 Arduino files in the .Plataform to NINA W