This file has
and especially -DARDUINO_USB_CDC_ON_BOOT=1
will route the output of the Serial
object to the native USB port labeled “USB” on your board.
See detailed description here: ESP32-S3 native USB interface and Serial Monitor missing first messages - #10 by sivar2311
There are several solutions for this:
- Edit the board.json and remove those two lines
- Leave the boards.json as is and add the following lines to your
build_unflags =
- Use a different boards.json like mine: platformio_boards/boards/esp32-s3-devkitc1-n16r8.json at main · sivar2311/platformio_boards · GitHub
- Use the default
and adjust the settings inplatformio.ini
platform = espressif32
board = esp32-s3-devkitc-1
framework = arduino
board_build.arduino.memory_type = qio_opi
board_build.flash_mode = qio
board_build.prsam_type = opi
board_upload.flash_size = 16MB
board_upload.maximum_size = 16777216
board_build.extra_flags =
Is this issue about WIFI or OTA?
Unfortunately there are a lot of boards on aliexpress available which does not have a genuine ESP32-S3 module. These boards have wifi issues. See this thread Unable to connect to WiFi, ESP32S3 goes in loop (IDFGH-7755) · Issue #9296 · espressif/esp-idf · GitHub
In general, both ports COM and USB can be used for uploading and monitoring!
I suggest to fix one issue after the other and keep this for later.
The default GPIO for the LED is 48 - See
You can simply use
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);
neopixelWrite(RGB_BUILTIN, r, g, b);
But maybe your board is using another GPIO.
A good ESP32-S3 board on aliexpress is “Tzt ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1 ESP32-S3” labled with “YD-ESP32-S3 2022-VI.3” on the bottom. This one comes with a genuine ESP32-S3 module and GPIO 48 is used for the LED. There is also a github repository for this board GitHub - vcc-gnd/YD-ESP32-S3: YD-ESP32-S3 Micropython VCC-GND Studio