Need help on C++ Intellisense

I am very new to VSCode and PlatformIO. I have a few questions while trying to start learning to use VSCode and Platform IO. I am running VSCode version 1.49 on window 10.

  1. I try install intellisense, i try the helloworld program and try to type in msg.
    but i dont get the suggestion at all. Look like the intellisense is not working.

    My setting.json have this

    {‘codegnuglobal.executable’: “F:\GNU-Global\bin\global.exe”
    ‘codegnuglobal.encoding’: ‘cp936’ }

    i am not use shud have double slash in the directory as I see example are in double slash but I am using window.

    I install GNU-Global and added the bin path to my environment setting. I reinstall extension c++ intellisense and reload the vcsode. But no error and the intellisense is not working too. (i am also not sure how to test it is working or not)

  2. Another question is my PlatformIO extension have to installed everytime i start vscode. I thought we only need to install one time.

Pls help me. Thank you very much.

This doesn’t look to me as if you’re trying to use Microsoft C++ extension but some other weird thing… make sure you only have the Microsoft C++ and not another one installed in parallel.

This is not normal. The extension installation should be persistent. How exactly did you install VSCode, on which operating system? How did you install the PIO extension?

I have resolved this by installing the C++ extension with .vsix. Then reinstall the PLatformIO and everything seem to work fine. Intellisense also work fine. Thank you for your help.