Mbed Nucleo F030R8 compilation issue

Even basic code compilation i mean simple printf is causing a compilation failure with the following error.

*** [.pioenvs/nucleo_f030r8/FrameworkMbed-TARGET_STM32F0-6c3f5/rtc_api.o] Error 1

Help needed urgently

Could you provide test project?


This is sample project i am using to build and test.

Any luck with this issue. It was working a couple of weeks ago.

This is a bug with ARM mbed framework v127/5.1.5. We have reverted all development platforms to v126. They will be released tomorrow.

If you don’t want to wait, please go to ~/.platformio folder

  1. Replace "version": "~3.127.0" with "version": "~3.126.0" in platforms/ststm32/platform.json
  2. Delete all packages/framework-mbed* packages.
  3. Process project again.

Ty a lot. I have tested this and it works. Ty a lot.