Mbed CLI and Arduino CLI

Why not using to the CLI version of mbed and Arduino instead of using pio internal system. It will help us to get the latest versions of the frameworks also to integrate new and old cores.
It is meanwhile very annoying that there are no updates for many cores and frameworks, so I have to use 3 IDEs, mbed Studio for use with mbed6 (and any! other version of mbed, which is possible within the IDE), Arduino IDE for use with STM32duino 1.9 and MegaCoreX. Therefore I’m using PIO only for Ardiuino and Teensy boards, that is very poor.

For us, we had made the determination that Platformio will never be able to keep up with the latest framework release, so we are gradually phasing it out of the development environment; we are now using Mbed studio for 6.2 mbed 6.2 builds. That’s too bad because we once enjoy the single development environment we use to enjoyed when using PlatformIO.