Library registration: moderation time?

I registered a library the day before yesterday via the command line, but apparently it is still awaiting moderation.

Are there any official guidelines that should be followed when adding a new library to the database?

And how long does the moderation process usually take?

This is the library which I’m referring to:

Best regards,

At the moment it’s a manual process, but when the new Library Registry goes online it will be controlled by the library developer. As long as the library manifest meets the minimum requirements, and is error free, it’s just a matter of waiting for a human being to review and approve it.

Anything we can do to help that along @ivankravets? As AFAIK, you’re it! :slight_smile:

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Done! PlatformIO Registry

Happy coding with PlatformIO! :blush:

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Thank you, guys. It works like a charm. :nerd_face:

Also awaiting a registering, maybe something went wrong?


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I asked the repo owner (Bosch company) to modify their github tag, so that it matches version field in They did it.

Also, i did a manual pio lib register for the the lib.

But the lib is still not listed in platformio :frowning:

@ivankravets can you help here? Thanks…

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Yes, this is what we need indeed. See PlatformIO Registry

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After careful consideration, I decided to cancel this project. Is there a way to unregister a library? The github repository is already deleted.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

What is your library?

Done! Library was deleted from registry.

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Thank you, appreciate it.

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