Thanks a lot!!
Couldn’t find it here: platform_packages
But there: local-folder
Sorry …
Now, with replaced Radiohead Lib, the code compiles without problems:
Compiling .pio\build\LGT8F328P\FrameworkArduino\wiring_shift.c.o
Archiving .pio\build\LGT8F328P\libFrameworkArduino.a
Linking .pio\build\LGT8F328P\firmware.elf
Building .pio\build\LGT8F328P\firmware.hex
Checking size .pio\build\LGT8F328P\firmware.elf
Advanced Memory Usage is available via "PlatformIO Home > Project Inspect"
RAM: [==== ] 44.3% (used 907 bytes from 2048 bytes)
Flash: [====== ] 64.9% (used 19266 bytes from 29696 bytes)
=========================================== [SUCCESS] Took 6.86 seconds ===========================================
* Terminal will be reused by tasks, press any key to close it.
… but “inspection” fails the same way - break after about 10% memory check and the only result is
“Invalid params” (like previous screenshot).
Changed the “platformio.ini”:
platform =
platform_packages =
board = LGT8F328P
framework = arduino
monitor_speed = 57600
upload_speed = 57600
board_build.f_cpu = 16000000L
board_build.clock_source = 1
lib_deps =
adafruit/Adafruit BMP280 Library@^2.6.8
adafruit/Adafruit Si7021 Library@^1.5.1
adafruit/Adafruit Unified Sensor@^1.1.9
description = LoRa Sensor Node
Uses slightly more memory:
Archiving .pio\build\LGT8F328P\libFrameworkArduino.a
Linking .pio\build\LGT8F328P\firmware.elf
Building .pio\build\LGT8F328P\firmware.hex
Checking size .pio\build\LGT8F328P\firmware.elf
Advanced Memory Usage is available via "PlatformIO Home > Project Inspect"
RAM: [==== ] 44.8% (used 917 bytes from 2048 bytes)
Flash: [======= ] 67.8% (used 20124 bytes from 29696 bytes)
=========================================== [SUCCESS] Took 6.37 seconds ===========================================
* Terminal will be reused by tasks, press any key to close it.
But, no change to the results of “Inspect”.