IR controlled LEDs

Hello again,

I am trying to utilize IR and LCD with Arduino (NANO) and The code is working just fine except for the led flashing part of the code
I want flashing LEDs to stop once I hit the OFF button or once I hit any other LED color so that that specific color would turn on and flashing will stop. I tried a lot but I couldnt find out how to do It. Help is appreciated :slight_smile:

Here is the code

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <IRremote.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>

int RECV_PIN = 10;        // Define RECV_PIN as pin #10 "Must be PWM enabled"
IRrecv irrecv(RECV_PIN);  // Declare the IR recieve pin "Must be PWM enabled"
decode_results results;   // create an object called results , from the decode_results class, which will be used by the irrecv object to share the decoded information with our application
#define BUTTON_on       0xF7C03F
#define BUTTON_off      0xF740BF
#define BUTTON_red      0xF720DF
#define BUTTON_green    0xF7A05F
#define BUTTON_blue     0xF7609F
#define BUTTON_white    0xF7E01F
#define BUTTON_bup      0xF700FF
#define BUTTON_bdown    0xF7807F
#define BUTTON_flash    0xF7D02F
LiquidCrystal LCD (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7);  //Set a LCD object and select it's pins (Rs,E,D4,D5,D6,D7)

int blue_LED = 11;
int red_LED = 12;
int green_LED = 13;
int flashdelay = 50;
void ledFlasher();
int flag=0;

void setup() {

  pinMode(blue_LED, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(red_LED, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(green_LED, OUTPUT);
  irrecv.enableIRIn();        //start the IR receiver by calling the IRrecv member function enableIRIn()
  LCD.begin(16, 2);     // Start the predefined object, which is the 'LCD' which represents the Liquid crystal display which is connected to the pins specified before the printhesis represents the (# of columns,# of rows)
  LCD.setCursor(0, 0); //tells LCD where to start printing. because columns and rows start from ZERO then, (0,0) represents the column 0 row 0 which is the top left cornef of the LCD so this will set LCD cursor to top left corner
  LCD.print("The LED game ;)"); //Print this line on the LCD

} // End of void setup

void loop() {

  if (irrecv.decode(&results))  // Start of 'if-1' loop
    if (results.value == BUTTON_off)
      digitalWrite(blue_LED, LOW);
      digitalWrite(red_LED, LOW);
      digitalWrite(green_LED, LOW);
      LCD.setCursor(0, 1);
      LCD.print("                ");
      LCD.setCursor(0, 1);
      LCD.print("LEDs are OFF :(");
    if (results.value == BUTTON_on)
      LCD.setCursor(0, 1);
      LCD.print("                ");
      LCD.setCursor(0, 1);
      LCD.print("All LEDs are :)");
      digitalWrite(blue_LED, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(red_LED, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(green_LED, HIGH);
    if (results.value == BUTTON_blue)
      LCD.setCursor(0, 1);
      LCD.print("                ");
      LCD.setCursor(0, 1);
      LCD.print("Blue LED is ON");
      digitalWrite(blue_LED, HIGH);
    if (results.value == BUTTON_red)
    LCD.setCursor(0, 1);
    LCD.print("                ");
    LCD.setCursor(0, 1);
    LCD.print("Red LED is ON");
   digitalWrite(red_LED, HIGH);
    if (results.value == BUTTON_green)
      LCD.setCursor(0, 1);
      LCD.print("                ");
      LCD.setCursor(0, 1);
      LCD.print("Green LED is ON");
      digitalWrite(green_LED, HIGH);
    if (results.value == BUTTON_flash) {   // Flasher 'if' loop
      while (results.value == BUTTON_flash)
          LCD.setCursor(0, 1);
          LCD.print("                ");
          LCD.setCursor(0, 1);
          LCD.print("Flash em' up man!");
          digitalWrite(blue_LED, LOW);
          digitalWrite(blue_LED, LOW);
          digitalWrite(blue_LED, LOW);
          digitalWrite(blue_LED, HIGH);
          digitalWrite(blue_LED, LOW);
          digitalWrite(red_LED, HIGH);
          digitalWrite(red_LED, LOW);
          digitalWrite(green_LED, HIGH);
          digitalWrite(green_LED, LOW);
          if (irrecv.decode(&results)) {
              if (results.value == BUTTON_off){
                digitalWrite(red_LED, LOW);
                digitalWrite(blue_LED, LOW);
                digitalWrite(green_LED, LOW);

      } // End of while loop

      }  // End of Flasher 'if' loop

    irrecv.resume();   // Resume recieving IR radiations and data

} // End of 'if-1' loop

} // End of void loop