I am unable to install (sipeed longan nano )gd32v

Platformio just need to allow access to this platform package. How hard can it be? Or, did you remove this platform? Anyway, you need to answer people, not keep them in the dark and waste their time. Thank you.

What does this mean ? Do you use external debugger/programmer? Can you program the board via the usb-c port ? Do you always need to use external device connected to pins? I noticed nuclei does not define “serial” protocol to program the device and arduino-gd32v platform has some more protocols to program it.
Thank you.

That’s right, I use a Sipeed USB-JTAG RISC-V Debugger. Very useful if you need to step through the code using openocd. There is also the rv-link which offers similar functionality. You can find details on how to use it here

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I managed to get the Longan Nano working using the following instructions (Thanks masebb!) Platformio can't install platform · Issue #40 · sipeed/platform-gd32v · GitHub

Just replace the failing packages sourced from the platformio.ini file with ones downloaded locally onto your machine from https://sourceforge.net/projects/platformio-storage/files/packages/ (the package.json files are in all of these downloads, so no issues with missing manifests)