How to use STM32WL55JC under STM32Cube framework

That base package is missing in the PlatformIO registry (basically PIO packaged version of, that’s an issue in PlatformIO, similiar to Adding STM32CubeWB package to platformIO registry · Issue #686 · platformio/platform-ststm32 · GitHub but not yet tracked.

You could manually add that into platofrm-ststm32 by locally modifying ~/.platformio/platforms/ststm32/platform.json by adding the package to the list of packages

so e.g.

    "framework-stm32cubewl": {
      "type": "framework",
      "optional": true,
      "owner": "platformio",
      "version": "symlink://C:/Users/user/Desktop/stm32cubwl"

where the path is pointing to a downloaded version of the STM32CubeWL repo with added package.json of for example

  "description": "STM32Cube is a set of tools and embedded software bricks available free of charge to enable fast and easy development on the STM32 platform (STM32CubeWL MCU Firmware Package)",
  "keywords": [
  "name": "framework-stm32cubewl",
  "version": "1.26.2",
  "homepage": ""
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