How to install libraries to Project storage?

When I try to install a library with “Advanced library installation” in the library manager (install to …), I have only one option :
Global storage.

How can I install a library in Project storage ?


PS : I am on a mac with High Sierra, using vscode. I see in some video that the interface is different on some other settings.

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I’m a newbie to platformio. I have the same thing, and have the same question.

I found information about how to edit ini file(s) to add library to project, but the IDE says it has a feature to do it. ?


I’m on windows 10 using vscode, esp8266 with arduino framework.

The simple way is to use lib_deps option in platformio.ini. You have also instruction in PlatformIO Registry.

Hi, I’m also a newbie to platformio. I have similar problem. In “Advanced library installation” I have the options to “install to…” : Global storage or Projects. Under Projects, I have the options to select between only two folders. These folders contain PIO projects, however, not the project that I’m currently working on. Should I install it to “Global storage” and referece the library name under “lib_deps” ?


I’m on Windows 10, VSCode, PIO Home 3.0.1/ core 4.1.0