How to disable output display

how to disable the output display that takes up all the space every time I compile or save I can’t stand it anymore I’m going to throw the computer out the window soon

Resolving <env-name> dependencies...
Already up-to-date.
Updating metadata for the vscode IDE...
Project has been successfully updated!

These 4 lines are normal and are output when the project is opened and when the environment is changed under the “Output” tab - but not when the project is compiled.

There are only a few lines?! Which space is taken? What do you mean?

The only thing that can be gathered from your error message is that there seems to be a problem with the SSL version you have installed. Is this what you are referring to?

Your computer is not responsible.
I hope there are no people walking outside your window who could be injured.

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in fact I’m talking about the entire window that opens to show me these lines I would like this window not to open because even when I compile it opens and takes the place of the compiler so I don’t see my compilation errors or anything else I have to close this window and go to the terminal this is extremely annoying

Thanks for your reply anyway :slight_smile:

So you want to see the terminal instead.
I think the cause is the SSL error, which pops up in the output window.

Solving the SSL error should fix this.